
From sources

To build and install from the source code directly.


First obtain the source code by either cloning the repository:

$> git clone

or by downloading and extracting the zip archive.

After downloading (and extracting), switch into the top level directory:

$> cd SimEx

Software dependencies

Python dependencies

The python dependencies are listed in $SIMEX_ROOT/requirements.txt, reproduced here:

Note that these these requirements contain all dependencies of all modules. A customized build with only selected Modules may well get away with fewer dependencies installed. The cmake build system will check all dependencies for each individual Module. Cmake will abort the configuration if missing dependencies are detected for a given Module.

The python dependencies can be installed via pip:

$> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Except for xraydb, all python requirements can also be installed through conda.

Non-python dependencies

The following libraries/executables should be installed on your system:

  • cmake 3.12+

  • libgsl0-dev

  • libfftw3-dev or INTEL-MKL

  • wget

  • hdf5 (version >= 1.10.4) + header files

  • python3.5+

  • libbz2-dev

  • unzip

  • C/C++ and Fortran compilers, e.g. gcc

Module specific dependencies

  • boost (version > 1.54) + header files (only needed for Detector simulations with the XCSITPhotonDetector Module)

  • libfftw3-dev or INTEL-MKL (needed to run WPG/SRW wavefront propagation)

For conda, we provide an environment.yml file to create a simex environment:

$> conda env create --file environment.yml

See below for how to install the dependencies and backengines into the same environment.

NOTE 1 (Intel(R) MKL(R)): If you want to link against Intel(R) MKL(R), make sure that the Intel(R) MKL(R) environment variables are set. This is typically done by running one of the scripts in $INTEL_HOME/bin/, where $INTEL_HOME is the root directory of the Intel(R) MKL(R) installation, e.g. /opt/intel/2015.

NOTE 2 (BOOST): Sometimes boost_mpi is not built although all libraries (default) where requested as per project.conf in the boost build directory. Append a “using mpi ;” to that file (without the quotes) to enforce building boost_mpi.

NOTE 3 (BOOST): It has been observed that newer versions of boost (>1.61), if linked against mpich, require, which might not be available on all systems, especially not completely updated clusters. Use boost.1.60 or lower if this problem occurs. You can find out by running ldd on

Install only the python SimEx API

If, for whatever obscure reason, you only need the SimEx python library (the Calculators and Parameters), simply run:

$> cd Sources/python
$> python -m pip install [-e] .

The -e option is recommended for developers: Changes in Sources would be reflected in the imported python module.

Install the backengine modules along with the SimEx python API

The SimEx python API and backengine modules (aka Modules) can be installed by following the steps below.

The install process has three stages: configuration, building, and installing.

Configuration via cmake

This step requires a dedicated build directory. Create one, and change into it:

$> mkdir build
$> cd build

Configuration is done by issuing the command cmake ... cmake accepts numerous command line arguments. To list them all along with their defaults, run:

$> cmake -LAH

To set a flag/argument to a non-default value, it is appended to the cmake command. E.g. to set the installation prefix (path under which all SimEx libraries and executables will be installed):

$> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/some/directory

Note the capital “D” before the actual flag.

Module selection

As of version 0.5, no Module is installed by default. To switch to the old behaviour and install all Modules, set the flag USE_MODULES_DEFAULT:

$> cmake .. -DUSE_MODULES_DEFAULT=ON + further flags and arguments]

To keep the new behaviour AND select individual modules, append each selected module with a -DUSE_ prefix. E.g. to activate the propagation Module based on WPG:

$> cmake .. -DUSE_wpg=ON

To activate the SingFELPhotonDiffractor:

$> cmake .. -DUSE_SingFELPhotonDiffractor=ON

By setting the installation prefix to $CONDA_PREFIX, one can install the backengines and the simex library into the same environment.

  1. Wave propagation with OpenMP:


In this example, all but the wpg module will be installed.

Build the documentation

This will build this documentation using the source code at Sources/doc:

$> cmake -DBUILD_DOC=ON ..
Developer install

This is recommended for SimEx developers. In this way, you will be able to run the unittests without having to recompile:

Create deb packages

This will create .deb packages:

$> make package

Probably you will have to call cmake two times because for some unknown reason CMake creates .tgz archives in the first time.

The package can then be installed system-wide along with all necessary dependencies:

$> dpkg -i <package_name>
$> apt-get install -f

on another computer with Debian based OS. Simex will be installed in /usr/... , Tests are installed in /usr/share/simex/... and should be system-wide available. Calling dpkg with --instdir option allows to change installation dir. In this case should be modified manually to set paths correctly.

Building the library

After successful completion of cmake, just type:

$> make

On machines with more than 1 CPU, compilation can be sped up with:

$> make -jN

where N is the number of CPUs to consume.

An example build & installation script is provided ( It might need manual adjustment as indicated.


Finally, after make returns, install the compiled software into the installation directory:

$> make install

Make sure that the user has write access to the installation directory, or use:

$> sudo make install

Environment settings

simex_platform is a python library, hence python needs to be aware of its location. To this end, run the command:

$> source <install_prefix>/bin/

after installation.


cmake fails to resolve dependency but the library is installed

On some systems cmake fails to find the paths for some of the third party libraries like boost. If this should be the case, consult the corresponding FindXXX.cmake scripts in the CMake directory and in your system’s configuration for how to help cmake find these libraries. An example for how to specify paths for boost is given in the script that comes with the sources.

gomp/iomp not found / MKL not found

If compiling with Intel compilers and/or using MKL, run this command before cmake:

$> source `which` intel64