Source code for SimEx.Analysis.XMDYNPhotonMatterAnalysis

#!/usr/bin/env python
""":module XMDYNPhotonMatterAnalysis: Hosting utilities to analyse and visualize photon-matter trajectories generated by XMDYN."""

import h5py
import numpy
import os
import pylab
import periodictable as pte

ELEMENT_SYMBOL = ['All'] + [e.symbol for e in pte.elements]
from SimEx.Analysis.AbstractAnalysis import AbstractAnalysis, plt
from SimEx.Utilities.IOUtilities import loadPDB

[docs]class XMDYNPhotonMatterAnalysis(AbstractAnalysis): """:class XMDYNPhotonMatterAnalysis: Class to encapsulate diagnostics of photon matter interaction trajectories. """ def __init__( self, input_path=None, snapshot_indices=None, elements=None, sample_path=None): """ :param input_path: Path to the data to analyze. :type input_path: str :param snapshot_indices: Snapshot (indices or IDs) to analyze (Default: All). :type snapshot_indices: list :param elements: Which elements to include in the analysis (Default: All). :type elements: list """ self.input_path = input_path self.sample_path = sample_path self.snapshot_indices=snapshot_indices self.elements=elements self.__num_digits = 7 self.__prj = '.' self.load_trajectory() @property def input_path(self): """ Query the input path. """ return self.__input_path @input_path.setter def input_path(self, value): """ Set the input path to a value. :param value: The input path to set. :type value: str """ error_message = "The parameter 'input_path' must be a str indicating an existing file or directory. " if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(error_message) if not os.path.exists(value): raise ValueError(error_message) self.__input_path = value @property def sample_path(self): """ Query the sample path. """ return self.__sample_path @sample_path.setter def sample_path(self, value): """ Set the sample path to a value. :param value: The sample path to set. :type value: str """ error_message = "The parameter 'sample_path' must be a str indicating an existing file or directory. " if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(error_message) if not os.path.exists(value): raise ValueError(error_message) self.__sample_path = value @property def snapshot_indices(self): """ Query the snapshot indices. """ return self.__snapshot_indices @snapshot_indices.setter def snapshot_indices(self, value): """ Set the snapshot indices. :param value: The snapshot indices. :type value: list """ error_message = "The parameter 'snapshot_indices' must be a list of integers." if value is None or value == 'All': value = ['All'] if isinstance(value, int): value = [value] if not hasattr(value, "__iter__"): raise TypeError(error_message) if not all([(isinstance(i, int) or i=="All") for i in value]): raise TypeError(error_message) self.__snapshot_indices = value @property def elements(self): """ Query the elements to include. """ return self.__elements @elements.setter def elements(self, value): """ Set the elements to include in the analysis. :param value: Which elements to include. :type value: list of symbols or element numbers. """ error_message = "The parameter 'elements' must be a list of chemical element symbols or integers indicating which elements to include in the analysis. " if value is None or value == 'All': value = ['All'] if isinstance(value, int) or value in ELEMENT_SYMBOL: value = [value] if not hasattr(value, "__iter__"): raise TypeError(error_message) if not all([(isinstance(i, int) or i in ELEMENT_SYMBOL) for i in value]): raise ValueError(error_message) self.__elements = value
[docs] def load_snapshot(self, snapshot_index): """ Load snapshot data from hdf5 file into memory. """ snp = snapshot_index dbase_root = "/data/snp_" + str( snp ).zfill(self.__num_digits) + "/" xsnp = dict() with h5py.File(self.input_path) as fp: xsnp['Z'] = fp.get(dbase_root+ 'Z').value xsnp['T'] = fp.get(dbase_root + 'T').value xsnp['ff'] = fp.get(dbase_root + 'ff').value xsnp['xyz'] = fp.get(dbase_root + 'xyz').value xsnp['r'] = fp.get(dbase_root + 'r').value xsnp['Nph'] = fp.get(dbase_root + 'Nph').value N = xsnp['Z'].size xsnp['q'] = numpy.array([xsnp['ff'][pylab.find(xsnp['T']==x), 0] for x in xsnp['xyz']]).reshape(N,) xsnp['snp'] = snp ; return xsnp
[docs] def number_of_snapshots(self) : """ Get number of valid snapshots. """ with h5py.File( self.input_path, 'r') as xfp: count = len([k for k in xfp['data'].keys() if "snp_" in k]) return count
[docs] def plot_displacement(self): """ Plot the average displacement per atomic species as function of time. """ #t = self.trajectory['time'] for d in self.__trajectory['displacement'].T: plt.plot(d) # self.trajectory['disp'][ : , pylab.find( sel_Z == pylab.array( list(data['sample']['selZ'].keys()) ) ) ] , xcolor ) plt.xlabel( 'Time [fs]' ) plt.ylabel( 'Average displacement [$\AA$]' )
[docs] def plot_charge(self): """ Plot the average number of electrons per atom per atomic species as function of time. """ for d in self.__trajectory['charge'].T: plt.plot(d) ### TODO: time axis, labels, legend plt.xlabel( 'Time [fs]' ) plt.ylabel( 'Number of bound electrons per atom' )
[docs] def plot_energies(self): """ Plot the evolution of MD energies over the simulation time. """ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented yet.")
[docs] def load_trajectory(self): """ Load the selected snapshots and extract data to analyze. """ trajectory = dict() sample = None disp = [] charge = [] time = [] # Read sample data. try: sample = load_sample(self.sample_path) except: sample = loadPDB(self.sample_path) snapshot_indices = self.snapshot_indices if snapshot_indices == "All": snapshot_indices = range(1, self.number_of_snapshots() + 1) for si in snapshot_indices: snapshot = self.load_snapshot(si) disp.append(calculate_displacement(snapshot, r0=sample['r'], sample=sample)) charge.append(calculate_ion_charge(snapshot, sample)) trajectory['displacement'] = numpy.array(disp) trajectory['charge'] = numpy.array(charge) trajectory['time'] = numpy.array(time) self.__trajectory = trajectory
[docs] def animate(self): """ Generate an animation of atom trajectories and their ionization. """ pass
[docs]def load_sample(sample_path) : """ Load a sample file into memory. """ sample = dict() with h5py.File( sample_path , "r" ) as xfp: sample['Z'] = xfp.get('Z').value sample['r'] = xfp.get('r').value sample['selZ'] = dict() for sel_Z in numpy.unique(sample['Z']) : sample['selZ'][sel_Z] = pylab.find(sel_Z == sample['Z']) return sample
[docs]def read_h5_dataset( path , dataset ) : """ Read a dataset from hdf5 file. """ with h5py.File( path , "r" ) as xfp: data = xfp.get( dataset ).value return data
[docs]def calculate_displacement(snapshot, r0, sample) : """ Calculate the average displacement per atomic species in a snapshot. :param snapshot: The snapshot to analyze :type snapshot: dict :param r0: Unperturbed positions of the sample atoms. :type r0: numpy.array (shape=(Natoms, 3)) ### CHECKME: Can't we read r0 from the sample dict? :param sample: Sample data :type sample: dict """ num_Z = len( list(sample['selZ'].keys()) ) all_disp = numpy.zeros( ( num_Z , ) ) count = 0 for sel_Z in list(sample['selZ'].keys()) : dr = snapshot['r'][sample['selZ'][sel_Z],:] - r0[sample['selZ'][sel_Z],:] all_disp[count] = numpy.mean( numpy.sqrt( numpy.sum( dr * dr , axis = 1 ) ) ) / 1e-10 count = count + 1 return numpy.array(all_disp)
[docs]def calculate_ion_charge(snapshot, sample): """ Calculate the remaining electric charge per atomic species of a given snapshot. :param snapshot: The snapshot to analyze :type snapshot: dict :param sample: The sample data. :type sample: dict """ num_Z = len( list(sample['selZ'].keys()) ) all_numE = numpy.zeros( ( num_Z , ) ) count = 0 for sel_Z in list(sample['selZ'].keys()) : all_numE[count] = numpy.mean( snapshot['q'][sample['selZ'][sel_Z]] ) count = count + 1 return numpy.array(all_numE)