Source code for SimEx.Calculators.ComptonScatteringCalculator

""":module ComptonScatteringCalculator: Hosts the ComptonScatteringCalculator class."""
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

import h5py
import math
import numpy
import os
from scipy.optimize import brentq as root
from scipy.constants import physical_constants as PC
from scipy import constants as C
import tempfile

from SimEx.Calculators.AbstractPhotonDiffractor import AbstractPhotonDiffractor
from SimEx.Parameters.AbstractCalculatorParameters import AbstractCalculatorParameters

# Some constants
BOHR = PC['Bohr radius'][0]
RY = PC['Rydberg constant times hc in eV'][0]
ALPHA = C.alpha

[docs]class ComptonScatteringCalculator(AbstractPhotonDiffractor): """ :class ComptonScatteringCalculator: Class representing a Compton scattering calculator. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None, input_path=None, output_path=None): """ :param parameters : Parameters for the ComptonScatteringCalculator. :type parameters : dict :param input_path: Path to input data for Compton Scattering calculations (Default: 'xrts_in.h5'). :type input_path: str :param output_path: Path to output data for Compton Scatteroutg calculations (Default: 'xrts_out.h5'). :type output_path: str """ # Check parameters. parameters = checkAndSetParameters( parameters ) # Hack to work around input path checking. if input_path is None: tmppath = tempfile.mkdtemp() input_path = os.path.join(tmppath, 'xrts_in.h5') dummy = h5py.File(input_path, 'w') # Init base class. super( ComptonScatteringCalculator, self).__init__(parameters, input_path, output_path) # Set state to not-initialized (e.g. input deck is not written). self.__is_initialized = False # Overwrite provided_data. #self.__expected_data = ['/data/snp_<7 digit index>/ff', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/halfQ', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Nph', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/r', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/T', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Z', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/xyz', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Sq_halfQ', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Sq_bound', #'/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Sq_free', #'/history/parent/detail', #'/history/parent/parent', #'/info/package_version', #'/info/contact', #'/info/data_description', #'/info/method_description', #'/version'] #self.__provided_data = [ #'/data/', #'/data/dynamic' #'/data/dynamic/energy_shifts', #'/data/dynamic/Skw_free', #'/data/dynamic/Skw_bound', #'/data/dynamic/collision_frequency', #'/data/static' #'/data/static/Sk_bound', #'/data/static/Sk_ion', #'/data/static/Sk_elastic', #'/data/static/Sk_core_inelastic', #'/data/static/Sk_free_inelastic', #'/data/static/Sk_total', #'/data/static/fk', #'/data/static/qk', #'/data/static/ionization_potential_delta' #'/data/static/LFC', #'/history/parent/detail', #'/history/parent/parent', #'/info/package_version', #'/info/contact', #'/info/data_description', #'/info/method_description', #'/info/units/energy' #'/info/units/structure_factor' #'/params/beam/photonEnergy', #'/params/beam/spectrum', #'/params/info', #] self._input_data = {} self.energy_shifts = numpy.arange(-self.parameters.energy_range['max'], -self.parameters.energy_range['min'], self.parameters.energy_range['step'], ) self.source_energy = self.parameters.photon_energy self.scattering_angle = self.parameters.scattering_angle self.electron_density = self.parameters.electron_density*1e6 print(self.electron_density) self.temperature = self.parameters.electron_temperature self.pzs = _pz( self.source_energy, self.source_energy - self.energy_shifts, self.scattering_angle) self.fermi_energy = _fermiEnergy( self.electron_density ) self.fermi_wavenumber = _fermiWavenumber( self.electron_density ) self.chemical_potential = _chemicalPotential(self.electron_density, self.temperature) self.compton_profile = self._comptonProfile()
[docs] def expectedData(self): """ Query for the data expected by the Diffractor. """ return self.__expected_data
[docs] def providedData(self): """ Query for the data provided by the Diffractor. """ return self.__provided_data
[docs] def backengine(self): """ This method drives the backengine xrts."""
def _comptonProfile(self): """ Workhorse function that calculates the Compton profile. """ # Fix variables and parameters. pF = self.fermi_wavenumber EF = self.fermi_energy theta = self.temperature / self.fermi_energy y = self.chemical_potential / self.temperature rho_z = (self.pzs*BOHR)**2 / self.temperature*RY - y # Calculate profile. J = 0.75 * theta * numpy.log( 1. + numpy.exp( -rho_z ) ) # Return. return J @property def data(self): """ Query for the field data. """ return self.__data def _readH5(self): """ """ """ Private method for reading the hdf5 input and extracting the parameters and data relevant to initialize the object. """ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented.")
[docs] def saveH5(self): """ """ """ Method to save the data to a file. @param output_path : The file where to save the object's data. @type : string @default : None """ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented.")
def _printProfile(self): """ Method to write the Compton profile to stdout. """ for i in range(len(self.compton_profile)): print(self.pzs[i], self.energy_shifts[i], self.compton_profile[i])
########################## # Check and set functions # ###########################
[docs]def checkAndSetParameters( parameters ): """ Utility to check if the parameters dictionary is ok .""" if not isinstance( parameters, AbstractCalculatorParameters ): raise RuntimeError( "The 'parameters' argument must be of the type PlasmaXRTSCalculatorParameters.") ### TODO: make an abstract parameters class. return parameters
def _fermiEnergy(ne): """ Calculates the Fermi energy from a given electron density. """ # Get Fermi momentum in inverse Bohr. kF = _fermiWavenumber( ne ) * BOHR # Get Fermi energy in Rydberg EF = kF**2 # Return Fermi energy in eV return EF * RY def _fermiWavenumber( ne ): """ Calculate the Fermi wavenumber kF. """ # Convert density to inverse qubic Bohr. neaB = ne * BOHR ** 3 # Get Fermi momentum in inverse Bohr. kF = ( 3. * math.pi**2 * neaB )**(1./3.) # Return Fermi wavenumber in 1/m. return kF / BOHR def _chemicalPotential(ne, T): """ Calculate the chemical potential at given electron density and temperature through inversion of the Fermi integral F_1/2. """ EF = _fermiEnergy( ne ) theta = T/EF # Thermal wavelength in Bohr. lambda_e_aB = 2.*math.sqrt(math.pi/T*RY) # Density in Bohr**-3 neaB = ne * BOHR**3 # Locate the root in the interval [3/2 ln(ne lambda_T**3 / 2) , EF/T ] search_interval_minimum = 1.5 * math.log( 0.5 * neaB * lambda_e_aB**3 ) search_interval_maximum = 1./theta y = root(_chemicalPotentialRoot, a=search_interval_minimum, b=search_interval_maximum, args=(theta,0)) return y * T
[docs]def fermihalf(x,sgn): """ Series approximation to the F_{1/2}(x) or F_{-1/2}(x) Fermi-Dirac integral. Credits: Greg von Winckel""" f = lambda k: numpy.sqrt(x**2+numpy.pi**2*(2*k-1)**2) if sgn>0: # F_{1/2}(x) a = numpy.array((1.0/770751818298,-1.0/3574503105,-13.0/184757992, 85.0/3603084,3923.0/220484,74141.0/8289,-5990294.0/7995)) g = lambda k:numpy.sqrt(f(k)-x) else: # F_{-1/2}(x) a = numpy.array((-1.0/128458636383,-1.0/714900621,-1.0/3553038, 27.0/381503,3923.0/110242,8220.0/919)) g = lambda k:-0.5*numpy.sqrt(f(k)-x)/f(k) F = numpy.polyval(a,x) + 2*numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.pi)*sum(map(g,list(range(1,21)))) return F # Prefactor to get normalized Fermi integral.
def _chemicalPotentialRoot(y, *args): # Get theta argument. theta = args[0] # Compute the function to root. ret = 2./3. / theta**1.5 - 0.5 * math.sqrt(math.pi) * fermihalf(y,1) # Return. return ret def _pz( wi, wf, theta ): """ Calculate the z component of the scattering transfer momentum p. """ # ALL IN RY UNITS. i = wi / RY f = wf / RY m0 = 0.5 c = 2./ALPHA th = theta * math.pi / 180. nom = i - f - i*f/m0/c**2*(1.-math.cos(th)) denom = numpy.sqrt( i**2 + f**2 - 2.*i*f*math.cos(th) ) return m0 * c * nom / denom / BOHR