Source code for SimEx.Calculators.DMPhasing

""":module DMPhasing: Module that holds the DMPhasing class.  """
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

import glob
import h5py
import numpy
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

from SimEx.Calculators.AbstractPhotonAnalyzer import AbstractPhotonAnalyzer
from SimEx.Parameters.DMPhasingParameters import DMPhasingParameters
from SimEx.Utilities.EntityChecks import checkAndSetInstance

[docs]class DMPhasing(AbstractPhotonAnalyzer): """ :class DMPhasing: Encapsulates photon diffraction analysis for electron density reconstruction from oriented 3D diffraction patterns. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None, input_path=None, output_path=None): """ :param parameters: Phasing parameters. :type parameters: DMPhasingParameters instance :param input_path: Path to input data (file or directory). :type input_path: str :param output_path: Path to output data (file or directory). :type output_path: str """ # Check parameters. if isinstance( parameters, dict ): parameters = DMPhasingParameters( parameters_dictionary = parameters ) # Set default parameters is no parameters given. if parameters is None: parameters = checkAndSetInstance( DMPhasingParameters, parameters, DMPhasingParameters() ) else: parameters = checkAndSetInstance( DMPhasingParameters, parameters, None ) super(DMPhasing, self).__init__(parameters,input_path,output_path) self.__expected_data = ['/data/data', '/data/angle', '/data/center', '/params/info', '/version',] self.__provided_data = ['/data/electronDensity', '/params/info', '/history', '/info', '/misc', '/version', ]
[docs] def expectedData(self): """ Query for the data expected by the Analyzer. :return: A list of strings telling which datasets are expected to be found in the input file. """ return self.__expected_data
[docs] def providedData(self): """ Query for the data provided by the Analyzer. :return: A list of strings indicating which datasets are produced in the output data.""" return self.__provided_data
@property def data(self): """ Query for the field data. :return: The stored 3D electron density map.""" return self.__data def _readH5(self): """ """ """ Private method for reading the hdf5 input and extracting the parameters and data relevant to initialize the object. """ pass
[docs] def saveH5(self): """ """ """ Method to save the object to a file. """ pass
[docs] def backengine(self): """ Start the actual calculation. :return: 0 if the DM run was successful, 1 if not. """ status = self._run_dm() return status
def _run_dm(self): """ """ """ Run the Difference Map (DM) algorithm. :return: 0 if DM returns successfully, 1 if not. :note: Copied and adapted from the main routine in s2e_recon/DM/ :private: """ number_of_trials = self.parameters.number_of_trials averaging_start = self.parameters.averaging_start number_of_iterations = self.parameters.number_of_iterations leash = self.parameters.leash number_of_shrink_cycles = self.parameters.number_of_shrink_cycles # Save current working directory. cwd = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) try: run_instance_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dm_run_') out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='dm_out_') support_file = os.path.join(run_instance_dir, "support.dat") input_intensity_file = self.input_path intensity_tmp = os.path.join(run_instance_dir, "object_intensity.dat") output_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "phase_out.h5") # Read intensity and translate into ASCII *.dat format (qmax, t_intens, intens_len, qPos, qPos_full) = _load_intensities(input_intensity_file) input_intens = t_intens input_intens.tofile(intensity_tmp, sep=" ") # Compute autocorrelation and support #print_to_log("Computing autocorrelation...") input_intens = _v_zero_neg(input_intens.ravel()).reshape(input_intens.shape) auto = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fftn(numpy.fft.ifftshift(input_intens)))) #print_to_log("Using 2-means clustering to determine significant voxels in autocorrelation...") (a_0, a_1) = _cluster_two_means(auto.ravel()) #print_to_log("cluster averages: %lf %lf"%(a_0, a_1)) #print_to_log("Determining support from autocorrelation (will write to support.dat by default)...") support = _support_from_autocorr(auto, qmax, a_0, a_1, support_file) #Start phasing #Store parameters into phase_out.h5. #Link executable from compiled version in srcDir to tmpDir cwd = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(run_instance_dir) input_options = [number_of_trials, number_of_iterations, averaging_start, leash, number_of_shrink_cycles] # Link executable #if not os.path.isfile("object_recon"): #os.symlink(os.path.join(op.srcDir, "object_recon"), "object_recon") cmd = ["object_recon"] + [str(o) for o in input_options] #print_to_log("Running phasing command: " + cmd) process_handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd) process_handle.wait() #Phasing completed. Write output to single h5 min_objects = glob.glob("finish_min_object*.dat") logFiles = glob.glob("object*.log") shrinkWrapFile = "shrinkwrap.log" #fin_object = "finish_object.dat" #print_to_log("Done with reconstructions, now saving output from final shrink_cycle to h5 file") fp = h5py.File(output_file, "w") g_data = fp.create_group("data") g_params = fp.create_group("params") #g_supp = fp.create_group("/history/support") g_err = fp.create_group("/history/error") g_hist_obj = fp.create_group("/history/object") for n, mo in enumerate(logFiles): err = _parse_error_log(mo) g_err.create_dataset("%0.4d"%(n+1), data=err, compression="gzip") os.remove(mo) for n, ob_fn in enumerate(min_objects): obj = _extract_object(ob_fn) g_hist_obj.create_dataset("%0.4d"%(n+1), data=obj, compression="gzip") os.remove(ob_fn) finish_object = _extract_object("finish_object.dat") g_data.create_dataset("electronDensity", data=finish_object, compression="gzip") os.system("cp finish_object.dat start_object.dat") g_params.create_dataset("DM_support", data=support, compression="gzip") g_params.create_dataset("DM_numTrials", data=number_of_trials) g_params.create_dataset("DM_numIterPerTrial", data=number_of_iterations) g_params.create_dataset("DM_startAvePerIter", data=averaging_start) g_params.create_dataset("DM_leashParameter", data=leash) g_params.create_dataset("DM_shrinkwrapCycles", data=number_of_shrink_cycles) shrinkWrap = _parse_shrinkwrap_log(shrinkWrapFile) fp.create_dataset("/history/shrinkwrap", data=shrinkWrap, compression="gzip") fp.create_dataset("version", data=h5py.version.hdf5_version) fp.close() shutil.copy( output_file, os.path.join( cwd, self.output_path ) ) os.chdir(cwd) return 0 except: os.chdir(cwd) return 1
def _load_intensities(ref_file): """ """ """ Private function for loading 3D intensity maps from a file. :param ref_file: Filename holding the data to load. :type ref_file: str """ fp = h5py.File(ref_file, 'r') t_intens = (fp["data/data"][()]).astype("float") fp.close() intens_len = len(t_intens) qmax = intens_len/2 (q_low, q_high) = (15, int(0.9*qmax)) qRange1 = numpy.arange(-q_high, q_high + 1) qRange2 = numpy.arange(-qmax, qmax + 1) qPos0 = numpy.array([[i,j,0] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float") qPos1 = numpy.array([[i,0,j] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float") qPos2 = numpy.array([[0,i,j] for i in qRange1 for j in qRange1 if numpy.sqrt(i*i+j*j) > q_low]).astype("float") qPos = numpy.concatenate((qPos0, qPos1, qPos2)) qPos_full = numpy.array([[i,j,k] for i in qRange2 for j in qRange2 for k in qRange2]).astype("float") return (qmax, t_intens, intens_len, qPos, qPos_full) def _zero_neg(x): return 0. if x<=0. else x _v_zero_neg = numpy.vectorize(_zero_neg) def _find_two_means(vals, v0, v1): v0_t = 0. v0_t_n = 0. v1_t = 0. v1_t_n = 0. for vv in vals: if (numpy.abs(vv-v0) > abs(vv-v1)): v1_t += vv v1_t_n += 1. else: v0_t += vv v0_t_n += 1. if v0_t_n > 0.: v0_t /= v0_t_n if v1_t_n > 0.: v1_t /= v1_t_n return (v0_t, v1_t) def _cluster_two_means(vals): (v0,v1) = (0.,0.1) (v00, v11) = _find_two_means(vals, v0, v1) err = 0.5*(numpy.abs(v00-v0)+numpy.abs(v11-v1)) while(err > 1.E-5): (v00, v11) = _find_two_means(vals, v0, v1) err = 0.5*(numpy.abs(v00-v0)+numpy.abs(v11-v1)) (v0, v1) = (v00, v11) return (v0, v1) def _support_from_autocorr(auto, qmax, thr_0, thr_1, supp_file, kl=1, write=True): pos = numpy.argwhere(numpy.abs(auto-thr_0) > numpy.abs(auto-thr_1)) pos_set = set() pos_list= [] kerl = list(range(-kl,kl+1)) ker = [[i,j,k] for i in kerl for j in kerl for k in kerl] def trun(v): return int(numpy.ceil(0.5*v)) v_trun = numpy.vectorize(trun) for (pi, pj, pk) in pos: for (ci, cj, ck) in ker: pos_set.add((pi+ci, pj+cj, pk+ck)) for s in pos_set: pos_list.append([s[0], s[1], s[2]]) pos_array = numpy.array(pos_list) pos_array -= [a.min() for a in pos_array.transpose()] pos_array = numpy.array([v_trun(a) for a in pos_array]) if write: fp = open(supp_file, "w") fp.write("%d %d\n"%(qmax, len(pos_array))) for p in pos_array: fp.write("%d %d %d\n" % (p[0], p[1], p[2])) fp.close() return pos_array
[docs]def show_support(support): #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #(x,y,z) = support.transpose() #ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='r', marker='s') pass
def _parse_shrinkwrap_log(shrinkwrap_fn): with open(shrinkwrap_fn, "r") as fp: lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() lst = [] for ll in lines: m = re.match("supp_vox = (\d+)\s", ll) if m: (supp_size,) = m.groups() lst.append(int(supp_size)) return numpy.array(lst) def _parse_error_log(err_fn): with open(err_fn, "r") as fp: lines = fp.readlines()[2:] fp.close() lst = [] for ll in lines: m = re.match("iter = (\d+)\s+error = (\d+\.\d+)", ll) if m: (iter, err) = m.groups() lst.append(float(err)) return numpy.array(lst) def _extract_object(object_fn): tmp = numpy.fromfile(object_fn, sep=" ") s = tmp.shape[0] l = int(round(s**(1./3.))) return tmp.reshape(l,l,l)