Source code for SimEx.Calculators.PlasmaXRTSCalculator

""":module PlasmaXRTSCalculator: Module that holds the PlasmaXRTSCalculator class."""
#                                                                        #
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Carsten Fortmann-Grote                         #
# Contact: Carsten Fortmann-Grote <>                #
#                                                                        #
# This file is part of simex_platform.                                   #
# simex_platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      #
# (at your option) any later version.                                    #
#                                                                        #
# simex_platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                           #
#                                                                        #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      #
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.  #
#                                                                        #

import h5py
import os
import re
import numpy
import subprocess

from SimEx.Calculators.AbstractPhotonDiffractor import AbstractPhotonDiffractor
from SimEx.Parameters.AbstractCalculatorParameters import AbstractCalculatorParameters

[docs]class PlasmaXRTSCalculator(AbstractPhotonDiffractor): """ :class PlasmaXRTSCalculator: Represents a plasma x-ray Thomson scattering calculation. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None, input_path=None, output_path=None): """ :param parameters: Parameters for the PlasmaXRTSCalculator. :type parameters: PlasmaXRTSCalculatorParameters :param input_path: Path to the input data for this calculator. :type input_path: str :param output_path: Where to write output data generated by this calculator. :type output_path: str, default 'xrts.h5' """ # Check parameters. parameters = checkAndSetParameters( parameters ) # Set default output. if output_path is None: output_path = 'xrts_out.h5' # Init base class. super( PlasmaXRTSCalculator, self).__init__(parameters, input_path, output_path) # Set state to not-initialized (e.g. input deck is not written). self.__is_initialized = False # Overwrite provided_data. self.__expected_data = ['/data/snp_<7 digit index>/ff', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/halfQ', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Nph', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/r', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/T', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Z', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/xyz', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Sq_halfQ', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Sq_bound', '/data/snp_<7 digit index>/Sq_free', '/history/parent/detail', '/history/parent/parent', '/info/package_version', '/info/contact', '/info/data_description', '/info/method_description', '/version'] self.__provided_data = [ '/data/', '/data/dynamic' '/data/dynamic/energy_shifts', '/data/dynamic/Skw_free', '/data/dynamic/Skw_bound', '/data/dynamic/collision_frequency', '/data/static' '/data/static/Sk_bound', '/data/static/Sk_ion', '/data/static/Sk_elastic', '/data/static/Sk_core_inelastic', '/data/static/Sk_free_inelastic', '/data/static/Sk_total', '/data/static/fk', '/data/static/qk', '/data/static/ionization_potential_delta' '/data/static/LFC', '/history/parent/detail', '/history/parent/parent', '/info/package_version', '/info/contact', '/info/data_description', '/info/method_description', '/info/units/energy' '/info/units/structure_factor' '/params/beam/photonEnergy', '/params/beam/spectrum', '/params/info', ] self._input_data = {}
[docs] def expectedData(self): """ Query for the data expected by the Diffractor. """ return self.__expected_data
[docs] def providedData(self): """ Query for the data provided by the Diffractor. """ return self.__provided_data
[docs] def backengine(self): """ This method drives the backengine xrts.""" # Serialize the parameters (generate the input deck). self.parameters._serialize() # Write the spectrum if required. if self.parameters.source_spectrum == 'PROP': self._serializeSourceSpectrum() #pwd = os.getcwd() # Setup command sequence and issue the system call. # Make sure to cd to correct directory where input deck is located. command_sequence = ['xrs'] process = subprocess.Popen( command_sequence, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.parameters._tmp_dir ) # Catch stdout and stderr, wait until process terminates. out, err = process.communicate(input=None) # Error handling. if not err == b'': print (err) raise RuntimeError # Check if data was produced. path_to_data = os.path.join( self.parameters._tmp_dir, 'xrts_out.txt' ) if not os.path.isfile( path_to_data ): raise IOError # Store output internally. self.__run_log = out.decode('utf-8') # Write to tmp_dir. with open( os.path.join( self.parameters._tmp_dir ,'xrts.log'), 'w') as log_file_handle: log_file_handle.write(out.decode('utf-8')) # Store data internally. self.__run_data = numpy.loadtxt( path_to_data ) # Static data. self.__static_data = _parseStaticData( self.__run_log )
# Cd back to where we came from. #os.chdir( pwd ) @property def data(self): """ Query for the field data. """ return self.__run_data @property def static_data(self): """ Query for the static data. """ return self.__static_data def _readH5(self): """ Private method for reading the hdf5 input and extracting the parameters and data relevant to initialize the object. """ # Import wpg only here if needed. import wpg from wpg.srwlib import srwl # Construct the wave. wavefront = wpg.Wavefront() wavefront.load_hdf5(self.input_path) ### Switch to frequency domain and get spectrum srwl.SetRepresElecField(wavefront._srwl_wf, 'f') # Get mesh mesh = wavefront.params.Mesh dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin) / (mesh.nx - 1) dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin) / (mesh.ny - 1) # Get intensity and sum over x,y coordinates. int0 = wavefront.get_intensity().sum(axis=(0,1)) int0 = int0 * (dx * dy * 1.e6) # scale to proper unit sqrt(W/mm^2) dSlice = 0 if mesh.nSlices > 1: dSlice = (mesh.sliceMax - mesh.sliceMin) / (mesh.nSlices - 1) energies = numpy.arange(mesh.nSlices) * dSlice + mesh.sliceMin radiated_energy_per_photon_energy = int0 # Get mean of spectrum spectrum_mean = numpy.sum(energies*radiated_energy_per_photon_energy)/numpy.sum(radiated_energy_per_photon_energy) self._input_data = {} photon_energy = wavefront.params.photonEnergy if self.parameters.photon_energy != photon_energy: print("WARNING: Parameter 'photon_energy' (%4.3e eV) not equal to source photon energy (%4.3e eV). Will proceed with source photon energy." % (self.parameters.photon_energy, photon_energy)) if abs(spectrum_mean - photon_energy) > 1.0 : print("WARNING: Given photon energy (%4.3e eV) deviates from spectral mean (%4.3e) by > 1 eV. Will proceed with spectral mean." % (photon_energy, spectrum_mean)) photon_energy = spectrum_mean # Finally store the photon energy on the class. self.parameters.photon_energy = photon_energy source_data = numpy.vstack((energies-photon_energy, radiated_energy_per_photon_energy)).transpose() self._input_data['source_spectrum'] = source_data
[docs] def saveH5(self): """ Method to save the data to a file. """ # Setup h5 data groups and sets. with h5py.File( self.output_path, 'w' ) as h5: # Data h5.create_group("/data/dynamic") h5.create_group("/data/static") # History h5.create_group("/history/parent") # Info h5.create_group("/info/units/") # Parameters h5.create_group("/params/beam") # Create data datasets. # Dynamic data. energies = self.__run_data[:,0] Skw_free = self.__run_data[:,1] Skw_bound = self.__run_data[:,2] Skw_total = self.__run_data[:,3] ### TODO #collfreq = self.__run_data[:,4] energy_shifts = h5.create_dataset("data/dynamic/energy_shifts", data=energies) energy_shifts.attrs['unit'] = 'eV' Skw_free = h5.create_dataset("data/dynamic/Skw_free", data=Skw_free) Skw_free.attrs['unit'] = 'eV**-1' Skw_bound = h5.create_dataset("data/dynamic/Skw_bound", data=Skw_bound) Skw_bound.attrs['unit'] = 'eV**-1' Skw_total = h5.create_dataset("data/dynamic/Skw_total", data=Skw_total) Skw_total.attrs['unit'] = 'eV**-1' # Save to h5 file. for key, value in list(self.__static_data.items()): h5.create_dataset("/data/static/%s" % (key), data=value) # Attach a unit to the ionization potential lowering. h5['/data/static/']['ipl'].attrs['unit'] = 'eV' #'/history/parent/detail', #'/history/parent/parent', #'/info/package_version', #'/info/contact', #'/info/data_description', #'/info/method_description', #'/params/beam/photonEnergy', #'/params/beam/spectrum', #'/params/info', #### # Close the file. #### h5.close()
# Never write after this line in this function. def _serializeSourceSpectrum(self): """ Write the source spectrum to a file on disk. """ source_spectrum_data = self._input_data['source_spectrum'] source_spectrum_path = os.path.join( self.parameters._tmp_dir, 'source_spectrum.txt') try: numpy.savetxt( source_spectrum_path, source_spectrum_data, delimiter='\t' ) except: print("Source spectrum could not be saved. Please check temporary directory %s exists. Backtrace follows.") raise
def _parseStaticData(data_string): """ """ """ Function to parse the run log and extract static data (form factors etc.) :params data_string: The string to parse. :type data_string: str :return: A dictionary with static data. :rtype: dict """ # Setup return dictionary. static_dict = {} # Extract static data from pattern_after_equal = '\\s*\\d+\\.*\\d*[e,E]*[\+,\-]*\\d*' static_dict['k'] = extractDate('k\(w=0\)\\s+\[m\^-1\]\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['fk'] = extractDate('f\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['qk'] = extractDate('q\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['Sk_ion'] = extractDate('S_ii\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['Sk_free'] = extractDate('S_ee\^0\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['Sk_core'] = extractDate('Core_inelastic\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['Wk'] = extractDate('Elastic\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['Sk_total'] = extractDate('S_total\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['ipl'] = extractDate('IP depression \[eV\]\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['lfc'] = extractDate('G\(k\)\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) static_dict['debye_waller'] = extractDate('Debye-Waller\\s+='+pattern_after_equal, data_string) return static_dict
[docs]def extractDate(pattern_string, text): """ Workhorse function to get a pattern from text using a regular expression. :param pattern_string: The regex pattern to find. :type pattern_string: str (argument to re.compile) :param text: The string from which to extract the date. :type text: str :return The date. :rtype: float """ # Find the line. pattern = re.compile(pattern_string) line = pattern.findall(text) # Extract value (behind the '=' symbol). pattern = re.compile('=\\s') return float( pattern.split( line[0] )[-1] )
# # Check and set functions #
[docs]def checkAndSetParameters( parameters ): """ Utility to check if the parameters dictionary is ok . :param parameters: The parameters to check. :type parameters: AbstractCalculatorParameters """ if not isinstance( parameters, AbstractCalculatorParameters ): raise RuntimeError( "The 'parameters' argument must be of the type AbstractCalculatorParameters.") return parameters